Seventh grade has given me many fun memories, but here are three. The first is meeting all of the friends I have now. If some of us weren’t late to class and only had one place to sit I don’t think we would’ve become such good friends. The second fun memory I got this year was career week. During this week we got to learn all about jobs we could do when we got older. A really fun one was a race car driver came and talked to us about what a day at his work could be like. It was super fun and interesting to learn about something not school related. The last memory I got from this year was going on a field trip to a university. When we were there it was raining cats and dogs outside so all of us got drenched if we didn’t bring an umbrella. We also got time to explore the campus by our self’s and on campus we got Starbucks, and food. The food was really good especially on that rainy day. One really fun part about the field trip was a scavenger hut that we got to do with out friends and our family if they decided they wanted to go that field trip. These where my three memory’s that I will forever remember from seventh grade.
20% project week 6 : Crochet!
This week I had very few success. These were making the stars I did have some trouble making them because I was really confused which the video I was watching. The second success I had this week was that I figured out the perfect sleeve for the sweater I changed the whole layout of the sleeves which helped me stay more motivated to finish the sweater. Like I said in my last blog I hadn’t finished the front but I realized I’m not going to have enough time to accomplish the finished sweater. But I have a presentation we are doing and I’m almost done with my speech on my presentation in there I will say that I have failed in accomplishing my ultimate goal. But learned a lot about myself in these six weeks. I learned that I tend to struggle with long projects and lack motivation for crocheting for a long time.
20% project week 5: Crochet
This week I started the arms of my sweater at school but when I got home I decided to change it and finish the front. One success I had this week where that I had started the front but it felt like I was working on it forever. One failure/ struggle I had this week was that I couldn’t finish one thing which made me really upset because this project is almost done and I haven’t completed it high is really disappointing in my point of view. This week I made a lot of changes to my plan I have decided to work on my front side of my sweater all throughout the weekend and maybe starting the sleeves of my sweater or maybe even completing it which would be amazing because it would be my first large project I’ve ever done it’s crochet. Another change I made was how I was going to place the star I’ve decided to add the star to the front and back and how I was go.
Be Grateful for What You have
This image has a strong message which is less is more. For instance the boy on the right, he looks like he doesn’t have a lot of money, it also appears like he lives in a drought and his house is made of clay with a straw roof. He also has a home made toy which was made out of wood or sticks. His clothes are practically rags that he has outgrown with patches and holes all over his shirt and shorts. Yet he is the happiest kid. The boy on the left is having a big tantrum over not having enough toys. The toys he’s crying about are piling up sky high. He also has a nice modern tv and house. His clothes seem to be brand new. This shows that sometime less can be more.
Rad Reading
this month I read two books the first was Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory by Roald Dahl the second one was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling. In the first book Willy Wonka the owner sends out golden tickets out for five kids to find. After when the kids get invited to the factory Willy Wonka says there is a prize for the last kid. All the kids disobey him but one kid Charlie he wins the prize in the end. The second book Harry Potter. Harry Potter was orphaned because his parents were killed by a powerful wizard. Afterwards e is rescued by the head master of a wizard school named Hogwarts. Harry Potter is then sent to live with is aunt, uncle and cousin, there he is miss treated for a long time until he turns eleven. Another wizard comes and takes him to a wizard school. There he meets two amazing people that become his friends and they have lots of crazy adventures together.
I recommend reading these books because they both have very happy ending and interesting adventures each character experiences something very different and it’s always interesting and never boring. There is also the villain in both stories that try and make the main characters yet fail.
My favorite character from both books are the main characters they both share some of the same characteristics like kindness and curiosity wisdom. One quote rom the first book that shows how kind Charlie is, “the talking would begin. For they loved this little boy. He was the only bright thing in their lives” this quote shows how kind and bright he is now matter his or others situation. Dumbledore is very very wise he always knows what to say, “it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live,” this is a good quote to remind us to always have a balanced life. This is why these two people are my favorite characters!
My favorite quotes are actually the ones I’ve already stated these two are my favorite is because they help others when they are in need. Like if they are seeking advice or upset these two are very useful and very caring.
Home sweet Home!
The room in my home that is my favorite is my room. Three reason I like my room. The first being it has my bed. My bed is quite big and comfy for me and two more people. The second reason why I like my bed room is because I have a tv and a computer to watch movies or do homework work without leaving at the same time. The third reason why I like my room is because of the amazing view I get from my window.
20% project #4: Crochet!
Some success I experienced this week were being able to finish the back part of my sweater. Another is that I also started the front I’m watching a video that has a good explanation on how I will be able to create the star in the middle with a grid pattern. This week I had no failures but I did have struggles. I struggled on how to make the back more curved so that I can attach the sleeves. Some of the adjustments I made were how I was going to shape my back to fit in the sleeves. Another adjustment I made to my sweater was how big I was making the sleeves like if I wanted puff sleeves I had to change it because of the amount of yarn I have right now but when I make the sleeves and I still have enough yarn I will make bigger sleeves. I left off making the front starting it with a video.
20% project #3: Crochet!
This week was amazing I accomplished finishing the back of my sweater. Last week I mentioned that I had switched from making the front to making the back. I have finished the back. Nothing was went wrong during this week which was amazing and it led me to accomplish a lot. I have made a couple of adjustments to this part of my project which is following a tutorial oh how to make the star for the middle, another thing I adjusted to my project was how I was going to make the sleeves before I made the change they where going to have stars on them but now they won’t because that would be to difficult and I won’t have enough time to make them for the duration of this project. Next week I will be working on the front/ the body of the sweater I will also add some more rows to my ribbing just to make it a bit longer because I accidentally made the back too long.
20% #2: Crochet
This week for my 20% was a disaster and it all went wrong. I couldn’t figure out the shape to make my star in the middle of the sweater. So I had to rethink how and where I was going to make the star. if I was going to make it after or actually incorporate it into the body. But some success I had where figuring out how I was going to make the star. The other was finishing part of the back which is really great. One big adjustment I made was what side I would be working on in the meantime so I made a conclusion on what side it would be. I thought I should leave the hard part for later so I want to make the back first. I left off working on the back part making sure it can fit on the cuff so that when I sew it can look seamless.
There are so many people I would want to invite to dinner, but these are my top three: Lily, Andrea, and Eyedress. the reason I would want to invite Lily is so she could bring a yummy Caesar salad for all of us to share. Something Andrea can bring is tacos of all kinds. Why I would invite Eyedress is so he can bring us Flowers and Chocolate. This would take place at a fancy park so that afterward we can walk around.